The Monopoly of Inspiration

13th July 2010

Arrived in Singapore this afternoon after a comfortable flight on the new double decker A380 plane – what an inspirational machine.

On the subject of inspiration, I got the opportunity to watch the film “Invictus” on the way over. Morgan Freeman chronicles the story of South Africa’s improbable victory in the 1995 Rugby Union World Cup on home soil. The film brilliantly depends the inspiration that Nelson Mandela provided to Francois Pienaar, the team’s captain, as he used a symbol of apartheid, the Sprinboks, to unite all 43 million people of all colours.

When I am flying at 40,000 feet I tend to get emotional about the meaning of life.

The film left me wondering why it is only great men and women who inspire. Surely ordinary Joes like us can also inspire and be inspired.

I jumped off the plane as I set off in the humid heat determined to inspire somebody in something I do every day and to look for inspiration in everything.

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