The Last Stop Press

Today is a very sad day for your editor as I write the last ever Daily Stop Press.

 After more than ten years, Risk Audit has decided that it is time to put this newsletter into its electronic resting place.

 Some of you will cheer – no more pollution in your inboxes. To you I say sorry but it had to be done. I hope we did not cause too much distress.

 To my loyal readers, more in a moment.

 As a look back over these many years, the following thoughts and events are very present in my mind:-

 The entrepreneurial days of Stop Press dispatched from [email protected] – proof that internal auditors can be creative creatures!;

  •  Our first ever training course “N2 for Internal Auditors” – has the world really changed?;


  •  Our first ever recruitment deal – it took hours to negotiate but provided a great deal of satisfaction and the working capital for a new company;


  • The collapse of the twin towers in New York – the blight of global terrorism had arrived;


  • The appearance and growth of exotic products culminating in the CDO cubed;


  • The collapse of our banking system culminating in the demise of Lehmans – staggering;


  • Our April Fools moment – my favourite was the announcement that the FSA had become a division of the SEC with the introduction of US-style money laundering reporting (the chap at NCIS was not happy with me!).

 You may ask why have we taken the decision to stop Stop Press.

 Very simply, Stop Press has ceased to be a selling tool and become a social networking tool in that the link between the sales of our products and the readership of the newsletter has been cut.

 All good things come to an end.

 The Good News

 The good news is that Risk Audit’s newsletter service will be replaced by a monthly publication to be launched in September. Current subscribers to Daily Stop Press will receive it.

 Colleagues have asked me what your editor will do given our decision.

 Simple. I will brush my teeth properly first thing in the morning, enjoy reading the Financial Times at leisure and thrive in running a business that I love called Risk Audit.

 Our recruiters will continue to serve you as we move into Risk and Compliance. Our training courses will become more innovative and will appeal to a wider audience of corporate governors including market, credit and operational risk managers as well as compliance officers. Our webinars will provide a new way to get the message across.

 Bye for now and see you soon,


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