I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I completed the London Marathon in a time of 5 hours 19 minutes and 8 seconds.

I was placed 29,167 finishing behind many rhinos, some ninety year olds and a mass of very brave human beings.

A few reflections at the end of this life changing experience:-

  • The encouragement and positivity displayed on the course was staggering – imagine how life could be different if a modicum of these characteristics were on display every day;


  • The generosity of Stop Press readers and my network of friends and family was amazing;


  •   The power of sport to provide life messages was very clear;


  • We should be proud of London, my city, and its ability to organize a truly special event.

I have taken the liberty of inviting you all at no extra charge to Risk Audit’s “Work-Life Balance Webinar this Thursday 26th April at 1pmLondon time. You are obviously no obligation to attend but are also extremely welcome.

It is a chance for me to share some tips I have applied that have made my life much better, more focused and more satisfying. Please understand that I do not claim to have all the answers. Human beings, by their very nature, are highly imperfect. But we can get better at the business of living.

For those of you with colleagues who may wish to donate please click on my Great Ormond Street Charity page. To date, we have raised over £ 3,500 for this very worthy cause.

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