Too Big to Be Managed?

Is it time for a degree of honesty in our dialogue?

Do you work for an organisation that would answer “yes” to any of the following questions:-

  • Are you running a cost cutting programme where senior executives do not understand the risk implications of that initiative?
  • Have incentives to deliver become divorced from fundamental stakeholder objectives?
  • Does the left hand not know what the right hand is doing?
  • Is up 90 per cent of activity in your bank determined by politics rather than commercial imperatives?
  • Are edicts issued from above without any meaningful explanation?
  • Do most staff have no time to think?

Are you working for an organisation that has become too big manage?

I had lunch yesterday with an individual from such an organisation. Working 75 hours a week this internal auditor provides testament to the ridiculousness of the banking industry at this point in time.

Following the ravages of the credit crunch it it time to pause and think?

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